Luna: I smell a rabbit!

Luna: Come on, Mom! Let's go hunt a rabbit!

Luna: Oooops! My bad! I forgot that you can't smell a rabbit trail. Sorry!

Luna: Ok, I'll track it for you.

Topper: I bet I can find it before Luna does.

Luna: No way, Topper! I have a much prettier nose than you do.

Emma: Amateurs! I have the rabbit trail, and I have years of experience.
I'll catch the rabbit.

Luna: No way, Emma - this is
my game. I get to catch the rabbit! I call dibs!

Luna: Geez. I don't know why those two can't let me win this game. I told Mom that I would catch a rabbit for her.

Topper: I'll have an advantage from up here. Not only do I have a superior nose, but I can see the whole yard from here.

Emma: Those two rookies wouldn't know a rabbit if it bit them in the behind!

Topper: Hey! I heard that!

Topper and Luna: Maybe the rabbit escaped through the fence. We better bark up a storm so the neighbor knows to leave it alone.

Luna: I bet it's hiding in the bushes. I better go check it out before Topper gets that idea.

Topper: Bwaaahaaaaahaaaahaaa - beat you to it, Luna!

Luna: I smell a rabbit! I just know it's hiding up here in the weeds.

Topper: Maybe Luna's on to something. I sure hope she doesn't find the rabbit. I want to catch it.

Luna: humph! It wasn't up in the weeds, and it's not in the yard. I think it's time to take a rest in the shade.

Topper: Ok, Luna - I'll keep a lookout for the rabbit. Why don't you take a nap while you're at it? I'll wake you up if I see the rabbit.

Emma: Forget the rabbit - there's a squirrel in the tree. Oooooh! Squirrel!

Emma, Topper, Luna: Yay! Squirrel! Where's the squirrel?

Emma: Forget it. It's way too hot to go chasing squirrels. I think I'll stand here and look pathetic until someone goes and gets me a treat.

Emma, Luna, Topper: We're singing for our supper! Doesn't anyone want to give us a treat? Anyone?

Emma: Hurray for dadderd! He got the milkbones!
Topper: Forget the junk food - I see the rabbit!
Luna: I bet I can catch it before Topper does.
Emma: I win! Three doggie treats for me!